If you love me don’t cry
If you love me don’t cry!
If you knew the immense mystery of the sky where I now live,
if you could see and hear what I see and hear
in these endless horizons,
and in this light that invests and penetrates everything,
you wouldn’t cry if you love me.
Here we are now absorbed by the enchantment of God,
by her expressions of infinite goodness, and by the reflections of his boundless beauty.
The things of the past are so small and fleeting
in comparison. I still have my affection for you:
a tenderness that I have never known.
I am happy to have met you over time,
even if everything was then so fleeting and limited.
Now the love that holds me deeply to you,
is pure joy without sunset.
While I live in the serene and exhilarating expectation of your arrival among us,
you think of me so!
In your battles,
in your moments of despair and loneliness,
think of this wonderful house,
where there is no death, where we will quench our thirst together,
in the most intense transport to the inexhaustible source of love and happiness.
Don’t cry anymore, if you really love me!
-Saint Agustine
Prayer for the liberation of Souls in purgatory by Saint Mathilde
Our Father in heaven:
Humbly I pray to you, Eternal and Merciful Father, forgive the poor souls whom you
yourself take as your creatures if they have not loved you nor rendered you due honor. To
you I offer reparation and penance in union with the love and goodness of your Beloved
Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.
Holy be your name:
Humbly I pray to you, Eternal and Merciful Father, forgive the poor souls who have not
glorified Your Name and who frequently pronounced it in vain. As reparation and
penance I offer you all the teachings with which your Beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ,
has glorified Your Name on earth.
Your kingdom come:
I pray to you humbly, Eternal and Merciful Father, forgive the souls who have not desired
with ardent love Your holy kingdom. For those sins I offer in sacrifice the powerful desire
of your Beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, with which he wishes that everyone be
admitted in your eternal kingdom.
Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven:
I humbly pray to you, Eternal and Merciful Father, forgive the souls who did not submit to
your will, but followed their own will. In reparation and penance I offer the Divine Heart
of Jesus and His great submission.
Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin
against us, And lead us not into temptation:
I humbly pray to you Eternal and Merciful Father, forgive the souls their sins, because
they did not love nor forgive their enemies. In reparation and penance, I offer you in
sacrifice the holy words of your Beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, with which he said
while on the Cross: “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”.
Humbly I pray to you, Eternal and Merciful Father, forgive the souls who did not oppose
temptations, thereby yielding to the seductions of the Evil One. For this they fell into ruin.
In reparation and penance I offer the obedience, the exhausting works, and all the bitter
sufferings, and death of your Beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ
And deliver us from evil. Amen:
Humbly I pray to you, Eternal and Merciful Father, forgive the poor souls and take them
to Jesus Christ in the kingdom of Glory where you live forever.
De Profundis
De Profundis (Psalm 130 Eng)
Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord!
O Lord, hear my voice!
Let your ears be attentive
to the voice of my pleas for mercy!
If you, O Lord, should mark iniquities,
O Lord, who could stand?
But with you there is forgiveness,
that you may be feared.
I wait for the Lord, my soul waits,
and in his word I hope;
my soul waits for the Lord
more than watchmen for the morning,
more than watchmen for the morning.
O Israel, hope in the Lord!
For with the Lord there is steadfast love,
and with him is plentiful redemption.
And he will redeem Israel from all his
De Profundis (Latin)
De profùndis clamàvi ad te, Dòmine;
Dòmine, exàudi vocem meam.
Fiant àures tuae intendèntes
in vocem deprecatiònis meae.
Si iniquitàtes observàveris, Dòmine,
Dòmine, quis sustinèbit?
Quia apud te propitiàtio est
et propter legem tuam sustìnui te,
Sustìnuit ànima mea in verbo ejus,
speràvit ànima mea in Dòmino.
A custòdia matutìna usque ad noctem,
speret Ìsraël in Dòmino,
quia apud Dòminum misericòrdia,
et copiòsa apud eum redèmptio.
Et ipse rèdimet Ìsraël
ex òmnibus iniquitàtibus ejus.
Universal Prayers for the souls in purgatory
O Jesus, you who suffered and died so that all men could have salvation and eternal happiness, listen, kindly, to our humble voices, which beg you to still have much mercy for souls:
of my dear parents and grandparents; Lord, have mercy;
of my brothers, my sisters and my close relatives; Lord, have mercy;
of my godfathers and godmothers at Baptism and Confirmation; Lord, have mercy;
of my spiritual and temporal benefactors; Lord, have mercy;
of my friends and neighbors; Lord, have mercy;
of all those for whom love or duty calls me to pray; Lord, have mercy;
of those who, because of me, have suffered or suffered damage; Lord, have mercy;
of those who are particularly loved by You; Lord, have mercy;
of those whose liberation from Purgatory is imminent; Lord, have mercy;
of those who most desire to reunite with You; Lord, have mercy;
of those who suffer the harshest punishments; Lord, have mercy;
of the most forgotten; Lord, have mercy;
of those whose liberation from Purgatory is the most remote; Lord, have mercy;
of the most deserving for their dedication and service to the Church; Lord, have mercy;
of the rich, who are now the poorest; Lord, have mercy;
of the powerful, who are now the most miserable; Lord, have mercy;
of those who were spiritually blind and who now realize their folly; Lord, have mercy;
of the frivolous, who spent their time in idleness; Lord, have mercy;
of the poor, that is, those who did not seek the treasures of heaven; Lord, have mercy;
lukewarm, who dedicated little time to prayer; Lord, have mercy;
of the indolent, who neglected to do works of charity; Lord, have mercy;
of those of little faith, who rarely approached the Sacraments; Lord, have mercy;
of hardened sinners, who owe their salvation to a miracle of grace, Lord, have mercy;
of parents who neglect their children; Lord, have mercy;
of superiors who did not work hard for the safety of those entrusted to them; Lord, have mercy;
of those who chased the pleasures and riches of the world; Lord, have mercy;
of those who did not prepare in time for the afterlife; Lord, have mercy;
of those for whom the Divine Judgment is particularly rigorous because it was greatly entrusted to them; Lord, have mercy;
of Popes, kings and rulers; Lord, have mercy,
of bishops and their secretaries; Lord, have mercy;
of my teachers and spiritual advisors; Lord, have mercy;
of the priests and religious of the Catholic Church; Lord, have mercy;
of the defenders of the faith; Lord, have mercy;
of those who died in battle; Lord, have mercy;
of those who fought for their homeland; Lord, have mercy;
of those buried at sea; Lord, have mercy;
of those who died suddenly; Lord, have mercy;
of those who suffered and died from cancer or Aids; Lord, have mercy;
of those who died without the Sacraments; Lord, have mercy;
of those who will die in the next twenty-four hours; Lord, have mercy;
of my poor soul when I have to appear before You; Lord, have mercy.