Prayers in front of the Cross for souls in purgatory

Prayers in front of the Crucifix

(Plenary indulgence is granted to the faithful who piously recite it in front of the image of the
Crucified Jesus on individual Fridays of Lent; and partial indulgence on all other days)

Here I am, oh my beloved and good Jesus,
who, prostrate in your holy presence,
I pray to you with the deepest fervor
to imprint in my heart
feelings of faith, hope, charity,
of pain for my sins,
and with the intention of not offending you,
while I with all the love and compassion
I’m going by what he said about you,
O my Jesus, the holy prophet David:
“They pierced my hands and my feet, they counted all my bones”

Our Father
Hail Mary

Daily recitation in honor of the Holy Wounds

Our Father (with every invocation)
Hail Mary (with every invocation)
Glory (with every invocation)

For the holy wound of the right hand.
For the holy wound of the left hand.
For the holy wound of the right foot.
For the holy wound of the left foot.
For the holy wound of the sacred side.
For the Holy Father.
For the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.


Soul of Christ

Soul of Christ, sanctify me.
Body of Christ, save me.
Blood of Christ, inebriate me.
Water from the side of Christ, wash me.
Passion of Christ, comfort me.
O good Jesus, hear me.
Hide me inside your wounds.
Don’t let me separate from you.
Defend me from the evil enemy.
At the hour of my death call me:
And command me to come to you,
So that I may praise you with your saints,
Forever and ever.


I adore you, Holy Cross

(Recited 33 times on Good Friday, frees 33 Souls from Purgatory. Recited 50 times every Friday, frees 5. It was confirmed by Popes Hadrian VI, Gregory XIII and Paul VI).

I adore you, O Holy Cross, who were adorned with the Most Sacred Body of my Lord, covered and stained with his Most Precious Blood.
I adore you, my God, placed on the cross for me.
I adore you, O Holy Cross, for the love of Him who is my
